5 Things to Do After SPM (Other Than Staring at the Ceiling)

You’ve got a few months before your results come out, instead of wasting precious time scrolling endlessly on TikTok, here are five actually useful things you can do while waiting for your results (especially if you’re considering studying at UNITAR).
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So, you’ve survived SPM. Congrats! No more late-night cramming, no more confusing add math formulas that haunt your dreams, and no more teachers reminding you about “the importance of your future.”

But now what? You’ve got a few months before your results come out, and let’s be honest—you can only binge-watch so many K-dramas before your brain starts to melt. Instead of wasting precious time scrolling endlessly on TikTok, here are five actually useful things you can do while waiting for your results (especially if you’re considering studying at UNITAR).

1. Enroll in UNITAR’s Micro-Credentials or Short Courses (Because Learning Doesn’t Stop… Sorry!)

Yes, I know. You JUST finished exams, and here I am suggesting you study again. But hear me out—UNITAR offers micro-credentials and short courses that can give you a head start in fields like Business, Digital Marketing, and IT. The best part? Some of these courses can actually count towards your future diploma or degree. So instead of scrolling through cat videos, why not learn something that makes your future self proud?

2. Prepare for MUET/IELTS (Unless You Plan to Speak in Emojis Forever)

If you’re planning to go for a diploma or degree at UNITAR, chances are you’ll need a decent English proficiency score. Rather than panicking last minute, take this time to prepare for MUET or IELTS. Think about it—flexing your English skills now will help you sound smarter in future group discussions (and impress that one friend who insists on speaking with a fake British accent).

3. Attend UNITAR’s Open Days & Webinars (Aka Free Sneak Peek into Your Future)

If choosing your university feels like picking a Netflix series—overwhelming and filled with commitment issues—then attending an Open Day or Virtual Preview at UNITAR will help. You’ll get to meet lecturers, ask real questions, and figure out which course actually suits you (instead of just picking what your cousin did). Plus, it’s a great way to low-key explore campus life without actually committing yet.

4. Join UNITAR’s Pre-University Workshops (Because “Bridging the Gap” is Important)

Let’s be real—SPM and university are two very different worlds. One day you’re memorizing sejarah dates, and the next, you’re expected to write 1,500-word essays. UNITAR offers pre-university workshops to help students transition smoothly, so you don’t start your first semester feeling like a lost penguin. Trust me, future-you will thank you for this one.

5. Start a Blog or YouTube Channel on Your Future Study Area (Yes, Even If It’s Just for Fun)

Are you planning to study Education, Business, IT, Psychology, or Early Childhood Education? Why not start a blog, YouTube channel, or even a TikTok series sharing insights or personal experiences about your subject? Not only does this make you look super productive, but it also helps build a portfolio that could actually impress future employers or lecturers. Who knows? You might just become the next big influencer (or at least learn how to speak confidently in front of a camera).

Final Thoughts: Be That One Friend Who Actually Did Something

Let’s be honest—most of your friends are going to waste this time doing absolutely nothing. But YOU? You have the chance to gain a head start, learn something new, and actually prepare for university while they’re stuck deciding what to watch next.

So go ahead, check out UNITAR’s courses, events, and workshops. Future-you will be super grateful (and way ahead of the game).


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