7 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Degree

Whether it’s after your SPM, STPM or A levels, choosing what to study for your bachelor’s degree is a common dilemma faced by many. You are not alone during these tough times; most working adults have faced the same problem and turned out fine, for the most part. Following your passion, your parents’ goals for you or perhaps you want to chase papers — these can be difficult decisions. Knowing how to choose the right degree for you is a valid concern that many can relate to. Listed below are 7 mistakes you should avoid when choosing your higher education:


1. Studying a Course Solely for a High-Paying Job

As Confucius once said, “When you do something you love, you will never work a day in your life.” Money is important, and yes, money can buy things that can lead to happiness. But money itself does not guarantee happiness. Along with doing what you love, you would also experience a sense of purpose and personal growth, and who knows, it could even lead to you earning more digits on your paycheque. So try to strive towards enjoying what you do and not the benefits that come from what you sow.


2. Making an Impulsive Higher Education Choice Before You’re Even Ready

You are not alone on your journey; there is wisdom in counsel, and with the internet, you can find people who were at the exact crossroad you are at. Try to seek advice from those who have gone before you, but do not let them make a decision for you. Ponder over your choices and weigh out your academic options. Momentary impulsion can have consequences on your tertiary education.


3. Choosing Your Degree Based on What Makes Your Parents Happy

Your parents certainly have the right to advise you, but you should have the final say. When it comes to higher education, there is more to it than just bragging rights. You need to have a passion for what you study to propel you forward regardless of the challenges you’ll face. Going with what your parents want for you can cause serious problems for you in the long run. You do not want to blame your parents for your Monday blues.


4. Choosing Based on What Your Friends Are Studying

When it comes to pursuing higher education, humans have developed long enough that we ought to know better than to follow the adage “monkey see, monkey do.” The bottom line is that wanting to keep your friends close to you can have the opposite effect when choosing to study for your bachelor’s degree. While they are focusing on their passion, you are still prioritising them. You cannot reach your full potential while you are running behind your friend. Take a chance on your passion, and you will make new friends with similar goals and interests when you enrol.


5. Not Aligning With the Reality of the Job

If you want to be a detective simply by reading Sherlock Holmes novels, you might want to reconsider your occupation. That’s not how you choose your degree. There is an element of research that should go with your passion. You can be a dreamer and a realist at the same time if you let yourself look at your dream job from all angles. To exemplify, you might have hopes and dreams of becoming a psychologist, but you may not have good listening skills. By aligning yourself with the reality of the job, you now know that you can either work on developing this skill or you can align yourself with becoming a research-based psychologist 1.


6. Not Looking Into the Course Structure, Tuition Fees and Intake Dates

Being practical in your decision comes when researching course structure, tuition fees, and intake dates. Read the brochures, and read them well, so that you know if you can afford your education and manage your time accordingly. As challenges arise, you can either solve them or try to find an alternative solution. For example, you can either take out a student loan like PTPTN if the tuition fees are above your budget or you can find more affordable tuition fees at another university.


7. Allowing Yourself to Be Discouraged by Others

You know yourself best. Don’t let other people tell you otherwise. People who discourage your choice of education simply can’t see what you see. There are countless successful people who pushed past discouraging people in order to achieve what they wanted. Allow yourself to be encouraged by any means, either through inspirational videos or conversations with people that believe in you. So, instead of wasting your energy on people who discourage you, perhaps it’s time to surround yourself with people who have gone before you and can share with you their firsthand experiences.

UNITAR International University offers a wide range of degree courses available both physically and online so that you can gain a higher education regardless of your circumstance. Our well-informed team of counsellors can aid you in your search for your ideal degree programme and offer advice on choosing the right degree. Got enquiries? Reach out to us at UNITAR International University today!

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