Resume Enhancement

Let’s rewind to the early 2000’s. The internet was making its grand introduction into our lives. We were not as reliant on our devices, because they did not even exist. Fast forward to 2020, you’ll find that many can work remotely with the sole needs of Wi-Fi and a Smartphone. The way we do business is more efficient and advanced, but it still comes with problems.

With the continuous advancement of technology, the need for human resources in business declines. Complicated algorithms are more functional than a human capable of errors. The result? The need for humans to improve. Several ponder about the way to improve – Skill set, way of thinking, decision making, etc.? There is not one right answer – it’s a whole combination!

The most common and logical option is to improve your resume. Learning is a unique capability humans have that allows exponential growth. The problems arise when we choose to stop our learning. In the Malaysian culture, it is common for a student to graduate with their SPM results and immediately attain a job. Their career path begins early but growth may falter in the latter stages due to the lack of qualifications. 

What’s the solution? Go back to school. The beauty of online programmes is the flexibility to learn in your own time. You don’t have to choose between your work and upskilling yourself – you can do both simultaneously!
At UNITAR, we pride ourselves on being 5-star rated for Online Learning by QS. We did not achieve this by having a strong online platform alone; it is a combination of well-crafted programmes and the determination of our Institution to provide an education accessible for all. Take the next step in your learning journey at UNITAR!


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